When it comes to making S.M.A.R.T. goals, it’s important to keep 5 things in mind. First, try to be specific with your goal. Second, your goal must be measurable. Third, determine whether your goal is achievable. Fourth, try to consider how relevant your goal is to you. Fifth, think about the timing by figuring out when you would like to accomplish your goal. If you are hoping to work with a therapist, it is helpful to begin to think about your therapeutic goals. Here are some questions to help you figure out what S.M.A.R.T. goals you may want to work on in therapy.
5 Things to consider when making S.M.A.R.T. Goals
1. Specific
When considering therapy, it is helpful to figure out one or two clear and specific goals you would like to work on. This helps you and your therapist focus your efforts on what is important to you, and it also helps you feel motivated to achieve your goals. When deciding on your goal, try to ask yourself these 5 questions:
- What do I want to accomplish?
- Why is this goal important?
- Who else besides me needs to be involved?
- What resources do I have?
- What limitations do I anticipate may impede my progress?
2. Measurable
In order to track your progress and stay motivated, it’s important to make your goals measurable. Assessing your progress helps you and your therapist to stay focused. Also, you will be able to feel a sense of hope as you get closer to achieving your goal. Remember to ask yourself, “How will I know when my therapeutic goal is accomplished?”
3. Achievable
Next, determine whether your goal is realistic and attainable. For instance, does it stretch your abilities, yet remain possible? If so, then that’s great. When setting an achievable goal, try to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources. You can ask yourself questions like:
- Do I believe it is possible for me to accomplish this goal?
- How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as a lack of family support?
- Is this goal achievable if I tap into some of the resources in my life, like my group of supportive friends?
4. Relevant
This step is about determining whether your goal truly matters to you. We all need support and help in achieving our goals, but at the end of the day they are just that, our goals. To figure out if your goal is relevant to you, ask yourself these 3 important questions:
- Does this goal seem worthwhile?
- Is this the right time to accomplish this goal?
- Does this goal move me in the direction I have been visioning for myself?
5. Time-bound
It is imperative that you take as long as you need to heal. That being said, it can also be helpful to determine when to begin your process of healing. It may be helpful to ask:
- When do I want to start working on this goal?
- What can I do today to help me move towards this goal in my life?
Having a S.M.A.R.T. goal in therapy can be immensely helpful. It gives clear direction regarding what you would like to work on and helps your therapist gauge whether your sessions are moving in the right direction. Want help with your S.M.A.R.T. goals? Click the link below for a free 20-minute consult.